
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

RE: Christmas posers

I am still working on this.
I will bundel a few together
but I will post a preview for you
and please remember I do like the 
weird looking toons

OLA #2

Let me explain why there is a 
difference in her color.
The darker one I used a regular color
lights on, the prettier blue is a fantasy
light and I though she looked better
but wanted to offer a choice for you.


click image

If for some reason u want to do
touch ups, just use your clone tool.
The spots on her are part of her skin. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Question for you

I know its late,
But I got a hold of some new Christmas
items.  Would anyone be 
interested in collecting them now and saving them
for next yr.  You never know what will
happen, I may crash and lose everything
and then we'd all be out of luck.
Just send me a message to 
if interested.

Eepoola a,b,c

click on image

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I guess u wonder what has happened to me.

I am around but not doing much, I seem to have lost
the creativity to work with psp or ps. I am trying to brush up
on my crochet and loom knitting is something I want to learn how
to do. UTube has some great videos for both. But my hands give
me lots of problems, that's one reason I started creating scrap
pages, but then I got caught up in CTwork for stores and such,
for awhile it was OK, I could pass my work onto u all, but then
the designers got all worked up about that. Then I got to the point where it
wasn't fun anymore it felt to much like a job. Keep checking back,
sooner or later I'll get to do something and post the results here

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